Artistic activities after school 

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This is an artistic discipline that combines dance, technique, and team spirit. These are group dances where choreographies are learned while paying attention to the synchronization of steps and the pompoms held in our hands.

The activity takes place every Saturday at the Studio Dans’ & Harmonie and includes both girls and boys aged between 7 and 11 years. To register or for more information:

Be aware, Pom Pom Dance should not be confused with Cheerleading, which originates from the United States and combines gymnastics with breathtaking choreographies.

Yoga classes for children will allow them to express themselves verbally as well as physically. In a fun environment, they will learn to breathe, talk about their emotions, chant mantras, and relax through various postures.

The sessions are designed to help children become aware of their emotions through playful games. They will also learn about balance through fun exercises, and stories will guide them to discover different postures. Visual aids with body diagrams will help them understand their bodies, and finally, the sessions will end with a meditation referred to as a “nap for the mind.”

The activity takes place every Saturday at the Studio Dans’ & Harmonie and is open to both girls and boys aged between 4 and 8 years. To register or for more information: